Most babies will do very well with natural breast milk. However, it may not always be possible to breastfeed your child, in this day and age. Also, some children may have a sensitivity to breast milk, even though the chances are rare. However, some children have allergic reactions to many things, and you may need to give them an infant formula that is specially designed for children with severe allergies. Nutramigen formula is an excellent hypoallergenic choice for some babies. The recipe contains DHA, and ARA, found in breast milk.
Allergies to Cow's Milk
Quite a few babies develop allergic reactions to cow's milk, found in many products. Cow's milk can make some children very gassy, and they may also have frequent diarrhea. If you suspect that your child is allergic to cow's milk, it is best to talk to your doctor about a suitable substitute.
Allergies to Soy Products
Your doctor may advise you to try a soy based product, for milk allergies, and with many children, this works well. However, some babies may also be allergic to soy, as well as milk, and you will need to explore other options. If your baby is sensitive to soy products, you may notice similar symptoms to milk allergies, including a rash. Contact your doctor if your child is having problems with milk substitutes that contain soy.
Hypoallergenic Products
Your baby needs proper nutrition in order to grow and develop properly. Proper nutrition includes digestion and elimination, and if your child has allergies, it can affect the way that essential nutrients are absorbed. If your doctor recommends a hypoallergenic recipe, Nutramigen is a very good choice. If you choose this product for your baby, there are two basic options to consider.
Standard Formula
Standard Nutramigen has everything that an infant needs for proper nutrition. It contains hydrolyzed protein, and this makes it much easier to digest. The recipe also contains probiotics for better digestive function and health. Probiotics work to restore the natural balance of beneficial bacteria, which are major part of the digestive process.
Amino Acid Recipe
Nutramigen AA has all of the ingredients of the standard product, except it is has amino acids. Amino acids are very important when it comes to digesting protein. All protein is made from the bonding process of amino acids, and these acids work to digest and break down proteins that your child consumes. If you are unsure about an amino acid selection, ask your pediatrician.
Colic Symptoms
You may see from the label, that this product is recommended for colic. Colic can often times be caused from improper digestion or allergies. Once you change your formulas, be sure to give the new product time to work. This can sometimes take up to two weeks. If you get no results, call your doctor's office for advice.
There may be times when a woman cannot breastfeed, and may need to look into substitute formulas. Some babies may be allergic to milk and soy products, and you may need something that is hypoallergenic. Nutramigen formula can help your child digest and eliminate better, and can often help with colic symptoms. It contains a protein that is hydrolyzed, to digest easier and probiotics for digestive health. The also make an amino acid based formula. Talk to your doctor about what it best for your baby.